Please be informed that we are an independent entity and not affiliated with any airline or flight training organization (FTO) in India or abroad. We only provide general information and suggestions for the field of aviation.

Cancellation Policy

Thank you for choosing our training institute for your learning needs. We understand that sometimes unexpected circumstances may arise that make it necessary to cancel or reschedule a training course. In such cases, we have a standard cancellation policy that applies to all our courses.

Cancellations made by participants:

If you need to cancel your registration for a course, please notify us as soon as possible. Our cancellation policy is as follows:

If you cancel at least two weeks before the start of the course, Partial fee would be refundable as per decision taken by Institute officials./p>

If you cancel less than two weeks before the start of the course, you will not be eligible for a refund. However, you may be able to transfer your registration to a future course at our discretion.

Please note that refunds may take up to two weeks to process.

Cancellations made by the training institute:

We reserve the right to cancel or reschedule a course at any time, for any reason. In the event that we need to cancel a course, we will notify participants as soon as possible and provide a full refund of their registration fee.

We appreciate your understanding of our cancellation policy, and we are committed to providing you with the best possible learning experience. If you have any questions or concerns about our policy, please feel free to contact us.